Personal Financial Planning FAQs

  • Chisholm Wealth Management is a fiduciary and is legally obligated to act in your best interest. That is not only required as a registered investment advisor, but also through the CFP Board as Jarrod and Brian are CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professionals.

  • We charge a quarterly fee based on your assets we manage or a flat fee for financial planning only.

  • No, we do not sell any financial products. The only fee we receive is the transparent fee you pay us. We do not (and cannot) receive any sort of referral fees or commissions. Financial products are tools and we always look for the best one to tackle your job.

  • No, but we typically take on clients with around $250,000+ of assets to manage.

  • Yes, we believe it's the only way to really do financial planning. You have access to our financial planning software to always see the most up-to-date information. This is not a one time event either. We treat financial planning as an ongoing service that will make sure you stay up to date as your life changes.

  • We offer a team based approach between Jarrod and Brian. That means you get two experienced advisors looking over your situation.

  • It may be easier to tell you what we don’t believe: We don't time the markets, we don't predict the markets, and we don't buy individual stocks. We do believe in investing for the long-term (ignoring the noise of today), we believe in the power of the markets over the long term, and we believe in buying broadly diversified portfolios in the smartest most cost efficient way possible. These are the rules we subscribe to: Embrace Market Pricing, Don’t Try To Outguess The Market, Resist Chasing Past Performance, Let Markets Work For You, Consider The Drivers Of Returns, Practice Smart Diversification, Avoid Market Timing, Manage Your Emotions, Look Beyond The Headlines and Focus On What You Can Control.

  • Yes! And it will continually be updated via our financial planning software.

  • Depending on your needs, we typically do semi-annual meetings, one in the spring and one in the fall. Review our FAQ on investment philosophy to help tie this together. We’re human too... So when the markets get a bit scary, we’ll reach out and remind you of the plan and the goals that were set. You will receive statements from your custodian (Schwab if we are managing the account) as well.

  • We’re watching your portfolio week to week to take advantage of rebalancing opportunities. Usually, we’ll get a rebalance opportunity between one and four times a year. If you have a workplace savings plan (like a 401k), then we’re reviewing that quarterly based on the statement you send to us and then helping you get that updated, if needed.

  • All of your investments will be held at Charles Schwab, in an account, titled in your name.

  • No way. This is your money, held in your account. We are able to trade for you and send money to you as requested.

  • Every spring and fall. Building out a complete financial plan takes time. We prefer to take it in chunks at a time throughout the year vs all at once.

  • You sure will! We’re not a tax advisor or attorney, so there are limitations in those areas, naturally. However, We will work with your CPA or attorney to discuss the details in depth to make an action plan. You're never navigating these situations alone, we’re always there to help!

  • We review your tax returns, but we do not prep them. We will talk all day long with your CPA about deductions, credits, AGI and the like. Since we have a holistic view of your financial situation, we can recommend ideas to discuss with your tax professional to only pay Uncle Sam what they are owed (sorry, no bonuses for the government).

  • Retirement is still 20+ years out for us. This is good for you as we have have been in the business since 2007/2008. So that means we have experience and years still to go!

  • We sure will, if you need them!

  • Investment management, financial planning, particularly for those approaching and in retirement. We also enjoy helping Christians manage their money according to Biblical principals, regardless of phase of life.